Next-Insight is a modern SaaS solution offered as cloud solution by default. On-premise is an add-on option to allow more internal integrations and different security setup. Integrations are offered by access to API for syncronisation of data to support an eco-system of multiple data-sources for a modern digital enterprise management software.
Eliminate time with with integration to Service-Now. Manage your business insight in Next-Insight. Update your CMDB with fresh architectural information and connect your relevant CI assets to Next-Insight.
Microsoft Word / pdf
Generate output to word or pdf to support compliance requirements. Automatic report-generation.
Connect your CMDB with the enterprise architecture and strong governance portal in Next-Insight. Update your CMDB with fresh architecture information.
Microsoft Excel
Import from excel, export from excel. Setup ability to export or syncronize directly from Next-Insight to support adhoc analysis and BI.
Snow Software
Syncronize software asset details directly to your enterprise architecture. Manage your lifecycle management directly within your enterprise planning.
Microsoft SQL
Next-Insight supports integration to external databases for import, export and online syncronization.
Setup integration to your software and asset component lifecycles with your architecture repository. Take control of your vendor contracts.
Next-Insight offers import and export to XML to support e.g. BPMN export, data import etc. Standard BPMN can be exchanged in standard notation.